Astro Gregas

Kelt-19Ab Co-Discovery

Kelt-19Ab Co-Discovery

This is my 16th exoplanet co-discovery using the transit method, I have a dozen more from RV collaborations.

Here is the link for the paper in arxiv

Panoramic of the several LC's used to frame this one down extracted from the discovery paper.

On the 5th of December 2016 I chose this candidate has a target for my observing plan.

The equipment used was an SCT 0.3m FL1700mm on a Losmandy G11, the camera a SBIG ST-10XME with a KAF3200M and a CFW10 filter wheel.

The filter used was a photometric Ic-band from Custom Scientific and 180s exposures. The observation of the full transit event lasted for 6h34 in a total of 128 images.

Below is the resulting plot of the observation data.

The transit signature is well defined, the transit duration is 0.1831 days (~4h39)

Looking around I also found a couple of nice variables.

This plot I call it the wild beast in the sky.


Under construction, return later


Joao Gregorio