Astro Gregas

Asteroids rendezvous (2002 VD63 – 2002 EJ41)

Asteroids rendezvous (2002 VD63 – 2002 EJ41)

On the OUT 07 2018 found these two asteroids in a rendezvous in the PISCIS constelation.

The brighter one is 2002 VD63 (mag18.2) and the fainter 2002 EJ41 (mag19.7), predicted magnitudes.



Here is the animation composed of 12 frames. We can see both objects moving and getting closer to each other at the center of the image.

The session was dedicated to another target (203P/Korlevic) but on the field was 4 more asteroids.

The equipment used was:

Telescope C14 @2134mm with 0.66"/px resolution.

CCD is a SBIG ST-10XME with a KAF3200ME

Filter was Clear and exposures 300s

