This is he first comet and the second visitor to our solar system . It was discovered by a fellow amateur Gennadi Borisov in August 30 2019 using his 65cm…
2i/Borisov the interstellar comet

This is he first comet and the second visitor to our solar system . It was discovered by a fellow amateur Gennadi Borisov in August 30 2019 using his 65cm…
In August 2007 a book was printed, it was a milestone in Exoplanet observing because it was directed to the amateur astronomer. This book was also release in PDF format…
Discovered by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)" on 2019/01/22.555 as a transient suspected to be a supernova. LBV's are a type of variable star. They are massive unstable supergiant and some…
On the OUT 07 2018 found these two asteroids in a rendezvous in the PISCIS constelation. The brighter one is 2002 VD63 (mag18.2) and the fainter 2002 EJ41 (mag19.7), predicted…
Found this asteroid in need of observations Object designation R.A. Decl. V Offsets Motion/hr Orbit Further observations? h m s ° ' " R.A. Decl. R.A. Decl. Comment (Elong/Decl/V at…
For a long time I didn't pay a visit to Pluto so I decided to catch an image. Well, in just one image how can you tell it's Pluto? someone…
This is another exoplanet discovery of the KELT Survey I participated in. Here is the link to the paper in arxiv I observed this as an exoplanet candidate in…
At ∼10,170 K, the host star is at the dividing line between stars of type A and B, and we measure the KELT9b’s day-side temperature to be ∼4600 K. This…
(click on the images to enlarge) Asteroid (56439) 2000 GD52 observed on the 27th October 2017. It was discovered in April 5th 2000 by LINEAR. Above we see its position…
This asteroid was discovered by LINEAR in Dec 9 1999. Last night Oct 21 I got a few images of this asteroid. The setup used was my remote observatory's 30cm…